The Book

I don’t think there is such thing as a good war. There are sometimes necessary wars and I think, one might say, just wars, and that I never questioned the necessity of that war and I still do not question it. It was something that had to be done.
— Sam Hynes, Marine Pilot

The mission of the project and upcoming book is to preserve and share the history of our greatest generation and the horrors endured throughout the planet during the Second World War. Using my talents as a photographer, the last six years have been dedicated to create a book to educate the people of today through the visual medium of photography. Many who might be reluctant to read a book, will be drawn in by photography. While the original plan was just as small photo project to capture images of the battlefields, memorials, cemeteries and concentration camps in Europe, it is now a full fledged photo journey that includes portraits with more than 215 veterans and survivors of the war and their history. Every veteran and survivor included in the book has an incredible story, directly connected to the scenic photos in “The Necessary War”.

The history of this global conflagration has captured the minds of many, but the overwhelming majority of people today are not aware of the crucial history that took place during the years 1939-1945. This book and project will change that. The Necessary War is a completely original and unique project unlike anything published before and the hope is that the book is read, seen and absorbed by as many eyes as possible so that this history will live on through the years. Through photography, the reader will engage in learning history primarily through the visual medium.

This project will not end with the publication of this book. Using the photographs, recorded interviews, my skills as a veteran teacher and knowledge of World War Two and the Holocaust, I will teach about this history around the globe. This website will serve as a database where it’s visitors can go for more extensive knowledge not published in the book. I will present the photographs in galleries where viewers can learn about both the places and people featured in the book. Lastly I vow to use all of this to teach both the current and future generations what occurred during that time, what my interview subjects experienced and witnessed and why this should never be repeated again.

I need your financial contributions to help. Please consider making a donation either directly or through my GoFundMe page.

506th P.I.R. 101st Airborne, E Company Memorial. Bastogne, Belgium

“The Necessary War” pays tribute to the men and women who fought, served and survived the horrors of WWII as well as those who never got to return home. This photo book tells the stories of both the locations and the people.